Wednesday 1 June 2011


1 day watercolour workshop where I will demonstrate one of my paintings and everyone follows along....step by step! The subject matter to be determined. I will post a pic on my blog once it has been decided. You should go home with a finished painting......but no guarantees as a few people work a little more slowly.

 Thursday June 16th
Fee: $50   must be prepaid to register...please email for info
Time: 10:30 - 3:30
Place: my studio in Victoria Beach
Spaces are limited

Would you like to paint a floral or a landscape? 

Thursday 12 May 2011


It has been some time since I kept a sketchbook. There is much to be learned from keeping a sketchbook and the daily discipline of drawing becomes something you look forward too and miss if you don't have the time. Of course one of the many benefits of sketching is:  drawing becomes so much easier!The pure pleasure of looking through what you have already accomplished is also very enjoyable. One of my favourite sketchbooks is a little one where I plan out the paintings that I am going to do. I do mini sketches along with colour studies and make notes of what materials I am going to use. When looking through it, one can see the different phases I was going the GREY PERIOD! Everything was painted in shades of grey.....but most of them turned out just fine!

Sketching, should be just that, a sketch, a rather quick drawing...not a finished painting. You can spend just five minutes on your sketch, if you like. You can find subject matter as close to you as one of your hands, you don't have to look far to find interesting things to draw.

Try sketching one of your hands...only looking at the negative spaces between your fingers.....much easier than trying to draw the outline your hand.

Try sketching a picture from a magazine......upside down! It makes you think of shapes and distances rather that what you are actually drawing.

Try sketching with only one line.....that is putting down your pencil ( pens are more fun though and also very unforgiving ) and don't lift up the pencil ( pen) until you are done. It takes some planning as to where to start and where to go...but great fun. Don't give up after only one try, keep on trying!

I found an interesting website where you can participate in making a sketchbook and once it is done it will tour throughout the world and  the pages will be scanned and become part of a virtual gallery for posterity! What more fun could there be? Here is the link..........
 Please let me know if you are going to I am going to do it also. I plan on the participants that I know of,  getting together to share their journeys through their sketchbooks before we send them away. 

let me know how you like my new blog and what you thing about the sketching ideas please.


Monday 9 May 2011



I will be offering weekly "studio time " classes.

These classes are designed to be a great meeting place for people who would like to paint together in a relaxed, informal setting. 

The idea will be to work on your own paintings, in watercolour, acrylics, or oil, with help from me. I will also be working on one of my pieces. 

Sharing ideas in an artists' environment can be really inspiring, it is amazing what we can learn from each other. 


SATURDAYS:   10:30  - 3:00

DATES: May 28,  June 4,  11,  18

FEE:   $ 25 PER CLASS    ( there is rent to pay ) Please email or call to let me know you are coming.

INFO:  NANCY-LOU ATEAH      204-756-3447